Emergency Dentistry – Lawrence, KS

Helping You When You’re in Pain

Dental emergencies happen when we least expect them to, which makes them difficult to navigate. When you have to decide what’s best for you on-the-fly, you don’t want to make the wrong decision, leaving you with more advanced oral damage and in even more pain. In these situations, we recommend contacting your emergency dentist in Lawrence immediately. We’ll provide you with over-the-phone first-aid guidance and help you navigate the situation safely and quickly.

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Why Choose Lawrence Dental Center for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Dental Sedation Available
  • We Accept Dental Insurance
  • Experienced Team of Dentists

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies

If you find yourself in the midst of a dental emergency, always contact our office first. If we’re not open, feel free to leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible on our next business day. Below, we’ve provided some helpful tips to ease your discomfort and minimize the risk of additional oral damage until you reach our office.


Severe toothaches that don’t seem to go away are often a sign of tooth infections, which form deep withing the inner chamber of your tooth. You can take an over-the-counter pain medication or place a cold compress on the area for 10-minute increments.

Chipped/ Broken Teeth

If you’re able to find the broken-off portion of your tooth, pick it up, rinse it off, and bring it to your appointment with you. You can place a piece of orthodontic wax over the damaged tooth if it is scraping against the inside of your cheek or lips.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Time is of the essence, so quickly retrieve your knocked-out tooth, being sure to only handle it by the biting surface, and place it in a sealable container of milk or salt water to bring to your appointment.

Lost Filling/ Crown

If you’re able to find your filling or crown, you can rinse it off and temporarily secure it back on your affected tooth using a dab of toothpaste or denture adhesive. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to have your restoration professionally repaired or replaced to prevent an infection from developing.

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How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

While you can never completely avoid dental emergencies, there are a few steps you could take to reduce your risk of experiencing one, including:

  • Maintain good at-home oral hygiene
  • Visit your dentist once every six months
  • Avoid foods that are excessively hard and chewy
  • Protect your teeth during sports and from nightly grinding
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet
  • Stay hydrated with water

Cost of Treating Dental Emergencies

The cost of your dental emergency appointment will depend on what type of treatment you require. Before we move forward with any procedure, we’ll be sure to discuss your options with you, along with their costs, in great detail. We accept dental insurance and are in-network with a number of PPO plans as well, so we can help you determine the benefits you’ll receive. 

Root Canal Therapy

Many patients get worried whenever they hear the words “root canal,” but the truth is , you shouldn’t be! Root canal therapy gets a bad wrap because there are rumors floating around that it’s painful. However, the pain associated with this procedure is the severe toothaches that people often experience due to tooth infections. Root canals cure this discomfort, and many patients report that they feel much better following their treatment.

Tooth Extractions

We understand that there’s no substitution that can quite compare to your natural teeth, which is why we try to avoid extracting teeth unless it’s absolutely necessary. In cases where a tooth has sustained severe dental damage or has a serious infection, we may recommend removing it to preserve the rest of your smile. Fortunately, we offer several tooth replacement solutions that we can customize to fit your unique needs and restore your smile.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

If you’re between the ages of 15 and 25 and aren’t sure whether you have wisdom teeth or if they need to be removed, visit our office for a thorough examination. Our team will help determine the risk-factor if you decide to leave them in your mouth and can view whether they’re impacted below the gumline. Based on this diagnostic information, we can walk you through our treatment recommendations.